Cas Greenfield
CAS GREENFIELD, a musician, author and broadcaster. Lived and worked in Amsterdam for a quarter of a century before returning home to his native Gloucestershire.
'I began performing in the 60s. During that time I toured constantly throughout Europe, working solo and with my band. I was a reasonably well-known figure on the Dutch music scene in the 70s and 80s, working with artists as diverse as B.B. KIng, Yes, Sparks, Sonja Kristina, Kayak, Leonie Janssen, Frans Ehlhart, Herman Van Veen, Boudewijn de Groot and many others. I also co-wrote the 1980s cartoon strip ‘Brian & The Brainbox’ with Sir Jan Van Haasteren.
The peak of my musical career has to be the German number two hit….which was soooo bad it shall remain nameless and forever unheard!
I have tried to remain fresh and involved with current music and I have recently completed three new albums; 'Boy In The Attic' and my band Kuhl’s ‘Circus Of Outrageous’ and 'Pas de Deux'.
'Slow Poison' is my debut novel, Bloodstones was written first, Splinters and Sparks is a collection of poems and lyrics and “Ruby Noone’ is a screenplay for a new movie all available on Amazon.'
"Some people know me as David Ireland..."